
Advertising isn’t just marketing in the face, but it is much more than that. We would even go on to stay that advertising is an art that entails unique patterns (strategies) that not only engage the viewers (consumers) but delight the artist (brand/business) himself.

Analogy aside, advertising is a combination of efforts from the client, the agency and its staff, the creatives. It takes an immense research, contribution of thoughts and creative approach to bring fruitful results out of a successful campaign.

Here, at Fuel My Brand, we’ve been helping brands for a decade. Through our experience we’ve come to realize the following points that everyone on-board should keep in mind to run a successful advertising campaign and, consequently, nurture the brand.

Clients’ Total Focus is Highly Appreciated

The success of a campaign resides not solely on the agency but the client as well. If a client isn’t cooperating from the start, the other can’t help efficiently. Though there may be other stuff that needs his attention, but when it comes to running a marketing campaign, 100% focus of the brand owner is required. Therefore, we always do our best in keeping round-the-clock contact with the client to keep things as per his expectations.

Embrace Exceptionality

Inspiration is good, but imitation is bad. Some clients want the agency to closely follow a design-sketch that they once saw on a billboard. What they want isn’t uniqueness but something that can be acquired fast and put on the display. Consequently, such brands don’t get as much attention as desired. As William Bernbach once said, “In advertising not to be different is virtually suicidal”, we’ve always strive for something out-of-the-ordinary- something people admire. And, we always encourage our client to embrace something unique, not universal.

Intimate Involvement Is the Key

Through our experience, what we understood best about successful campaigns is that there should always be a genuine connection between the two parties: agency and client. We’ve always taken clients’ brief seriously, analyze how they operate, what ethics they observe, the mission statement they follow, and what they seek out of the project. In other words, it’s not the business we deal with, it is the people behind it that we connect with and help.

Keep Everyone in the Loop

Good strategies or plans are those that are equally understood and agreed on by everyone on the table. Everyone, from the client and creative head to designer and intern, should be kept in the loop so a collaborative environment can be formed and so a magnificent output. Therefore, when a brief is forwarded, we circulate it among every brain in the team so they may chip in their insights and ideas for efficient results.

Get Personal with the Project

A great design is only possible when it genuinely reflects the effort that’s been put behind its concept and pattern. That is only achievable when the designers get personal with it and treat it as their own. And we go with this approach, we are able to experience what the clients’ feel about their brand identity and how they want to be perceived by their target consumers.